Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is a good way to sell or get rid of liquor without having an event?

A friend of mine just closed her lounge, so we have a WHOLE LOT of extra liquor/beer/wine. I figured I'd just put in storage, but was wondering about other ways that we can sell or distribute what's left of the alcohol. I don't drink and I rather not go the typical have a party type route.|||When you go to parties, events, or get-togethers, bring a bottle of wine or two with you as a gift. People love that!

They are great for raffles or gift swaps too.

If their is an organization that has a raffle or something, donate or sell some wine to them for a decent price.

I'm not sure about this one, but if you have a small liquor store near you, you can ask if they'd like to buy it off of you.

I'm not sure if thats even legal, but it's worth a shot!

Also, donate some of it! I don't know if food pantries accept alchohol, but call and ask.

Make sure you store some too, you never know when you'll get into a situation when you get a gift, and you never got one for them. You could save lots of money around the holidays :]

Was I of help?|||give it tp the homeless people who always ask for cigarettes, food, alcohol and/or money|||Throw it down the drain... or give to the homeless|||dump it down the drain and let the fishies have a good time.|||well you can always invite me I'll help get rid of some of it . just kidding ... mabe do a raffle sell tickets make ur money back for some of the booze.|||Mail all the whiskey to me....ill take care of it.|||Maybe you can have a garage sale to sell the unopened bottles, but make sure you ask for id. or give it away as gifts when you go to parties. Or bring extra bottles to parties everytime you get invited somewhere.

if you still have trouble getting rid of the stuff I would be happy to take it off your hands if you're in the New York area.|||Contact some local charity and see about donating it to them. They can use it at their next charity event or can auction it off. Be sure and get a receipt for it and it can be used on your taxes. This way, you are rid of the alcohol, but it helps benefit some worthy cause. Good luck.|||Would you like my address?? You can send it to me! J/K

But, giving it out as gifts is a great idea.|||I would try to contact a prospective bride on someplace like Craigslist or a message board (Hey! How about going to Yahoo Answers?!) and see if the couple want to buy it from her for their reception (or your friend could donate it to the couple as a write-off).|||I would call around other lounges and taverns and pubs locally to you and ask them if they would be interested in what you have, try to figure out how much your remaining stock is worth and go from there.

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