Friday, September 23, 2011

How many airplane bottles of liquor should I hide in my house for the Easter Bottle Hunt?

While my kids and my family's kids are out looking for their stupid Easter eggs, I am going to hide those little airplane bottles of liquor throughout the house so us adults can actually have a good time without the little rugrats around.

There will be 10 adults that are pretty heavy drinkers. I need to know how many bottles I need to buy. We want to get pretty wasted so that the kids dont annoy us when they get done outside.

Any ideas on how many I need to buy?|||Well it depends on rather or not you are going to make the adults share their booty... I mean if this is a cut throat party someone could end up with a measly one or two, which may not be bad if a designated driver is needed. I say that a minimum of 120 would be needed, but for a lushes party 240.

I have a thought that may help you really make the hunt fun as well as the aftermath鈥?make the rule that you have to drink your bottle before moving on to the next and we are not talking mixing a drink and sitting around, we are talking find bottle and bottoms up it immediately! The bottles will get harder to find, the situation funnier and it will ensure that you avoid any bad influence situation as all the liquor will be consumed prior to the kiddies coming back in from play鈥?man I wish I could make that party!

Great Idea! Happy Easter! Go eat a bunny!|||That is an excellent idea!! I think more people would celebrate Easter if this became part of the tradition.

Both Courtney %26amp; Marco Polo are correct. If they start to drink the bottles as they find them, you'll have plenty of leftovers to find yourself afterwards. What a great surprise in July if you move the sofa, and whala!! a bottle of Jack! or Absolute! Just think of all the little bottles that will appear time to time. ( Of course if you have children, or a wife with drinking problem, you may want to do a thorough sweep afterwards )

Good times!! Wish we were there.|||Now, let's think this through. Do you really want to spend all that money? You should consider the fact that the drunker they get, the fewer bottles they will be able to find anyways, so why go to all that trouble and expense at all?

Buy a few for yourself, about 10, and just tell them to keep looking for their own, every time they ask.|||Hmm. Great idea. Good luck with that. My mother used to send us out into the woods, Hans and Gretel style, and leave us to find our way back. The aim was to find the eggs, which were in the kitchen. So much fun.

Don't ask me about the booze. I'm not supposed to be thinking about them for longer than 20 se- time's up.|||About 250....

would be cheaper to buy 26's.|||wow...u really hate kids dont u?

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