Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Liquor Before Beer you're in the clear and not Beer before Liquor?

I've always wondered this question for a number of reasons, common sense would seem that drinking the less concentrated and potent alcoholic content drink (beer) and then going onto higher concentrated alcohol would be the least 'wear and tear' on the stomach. It just doesn't make sense that if you start out with hard liquor then downgrade to beer later wouldn't the sudden and more harsh intensity of hard alcohol kick one's A**?|||i dont know, but its true!|||****, woteva the real answer is I know I threw up today and I drank bacardi and orange juice, later had a beer , smoked, and smoked cigs...and threw up..it was quite gross.

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|||I think in some ways the saying is logical. If you look at drinking like playing blackjack your objective is to get enjoyably drunk without getting sick. If beer is the low cards and straight booze is the high cards, then once you're sitting on something like an 18 it would obviously be unwise to fish for a king. You can get to that 18 with any combination of draws but your ideal scenario is either to win up front with a couple of big draws (early shots) with perhaps a lucky 2 (early shots then a beer) in the mix, or to get nothing but low cards and win by the 5 card default (beer all night). Drinking beer then liquor is something like sitting on a 17 with 4 cards then deciding it's time for body shots of tequila (let's call that the queen).

This analogy is assuming all booze is neutral which we all know isn't true. Sometimes it doesn't matter what order you drink things in, Kahlua + Champagne + Tequila = vomiting 100% of the time no matter what ; )|||because if you drink TOO much beer first hand then she gets mad when you try too lick her|||Because after you drink a bunch of hard liquor, then beer your stomach doesn't notice it much.. But if you drink a lot of beer then liquor, your stomach definitely notices. And what happens next is very embarassing.|||There isn't much truth to this old saying, though I stuck with it for quite a while. read this:

http://wweek.com/html/beer99-science.htm鈥?/a>|||It's the other way around.

If you have been drinking any distilled beverage or wine, never have a beer on top. It will taste really bad and the result isn't pretty.

Been there Done that!|||I think this has more to do with the popularity of boilermakers, or shot-and-a-beer (shot with a beer chaser) with older, more experienced, mainly male drinkers. These guys, having a lot of experience with drinking like this, appear to show the effects of drinking less than do less experienced drinkers, who may get talked into doing shots after having a few beers.

Alcohol, in any form, quickly lowers inhibitions in many people, and those without experience often make poor decisions thereafter. This is one reason drinking games remain popular; it's amazing what many people will do after only a couple of drinks, and such games serve as a means of getting 2 or 3 drinks into even the least social of people fairly quickly.|||Because you've fallen for one of the most prevalent URBAN MYTHS about alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is made up of the exact same thing... Ethanol.

Beer = Ethanol

Wine = Ethanol

Liquor = Ethanol

What happens is people don't realize that there is the exact same amount of alcohol in a beer as there is in a shot. So what do they do? They have a few beers... lets say 3. Then a few shots... let's say 3 also... Then they have 3 more beers of maybe move to mixed drinks. That is 9 servings of alcohol and enough to give the average person quite a buzz and badly upset stomach. It has nothing to do with the mixing or the order in which it is done... It is all about amount.|||It doesnt really matter. Its just a drinking rhyme! Some people say that its bad but, in all actuality it doesnt mean anything. Just as long as you have a full stomach before you drink! Cheers!!|||Either way works for me. But then again, I'm a drunk.|||it is because most people who start with liquor take too much and then get knocked out soon.|||Ask a Professional Alcoholic? well of course anyone who consumes Alcohol are Alcoholics, but they won't admit it, for they are in Denial, Yes?

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