Friday, September 23, 2011

How True is Beer before liquor never been sicker?

I've tried drinking liquor after beer, and i did get sick, but i think it was just because it was dry gin (nasty) and i might've pysched myself out, just expecting it to happen. But i wanted to know, Does taking a few shots of liquor, perhaps vodka, after you've drank beer really make you sick? Does letting some time pass between drinking the two help also?|||OK this is pretty easy actually. The only reason that people get sick from alcohol is one reason.... DEHYDRATION!!!!!! The only reason that this saying holds any significance is that most people once they start drinking the liquor pretty lose all logic and forget to stay hydrated because liquor has a much higher alcohol content than beer and beer is also a good bit of water where as liquor is really not much so I am positive that if you drink a LOT of water before passing out you will wake up with either no hangover at all or a much smaller one than you would have had if you would have not drank the water. Trust me on this one. I have only ever had one hangover in my life and it was when i forgot to stay hydrated.|||very true|||Beer then liquor = going from buzz to wasted. liquor then beer = high alcohol % to a lower alcohol % so you can see how it works...|||I for one would Not be Able to Answer this Question, when I did Drink, I Used the Former to Chase the Latter, and My Friends Used to Say to me!...Don't you Ever Get Drunk??|||the saying is a complete load of crap, you can get sick from any alcohol, regardless if you mix it and in what order; I do agree that gin is nasty (I think so but many people like it, thats just my taste). It doesnt matter what, if and in what order you mix booze, I've mixed dark and clear liquor along with beer and white and red wine all in one night, several times in no particular order and have been fine, on the other hand, I've drank strictly beer and have been sick; if your body doesnt like what you put in it, its going to let you know!!! If you're drinking it is best to try not to mix too many different things but if you drink, period, you run the risk of getting sick off of it|||in my experience i have never had a problem mixing the too. i usually use beer as chaser for any shot as a matter of fact. it really all depends on you though, everyone has limits and everyone is effected differently. but i don't live my life off of a silly saying. you are right though the fact that it was gin might of played a role in your sickness as well as all the hype surrounding beer before liquor. the only thing you can really do is experiment and find what works for you and what doesn't.|||Mostly true, even together might be unwise. I once made myself a boilermaker and felt sick afterwards.|||The main problem people have with beer before liquor is that they get drunk with beer, and then start doing shots.

The problem with this is that you are already stupid with alcohol and have no ability to pace yourself. Instead, you just get more enthusiastic about drinking more and faster, and before you know it, you've done half a dozen shots in half an hour. That's how people get never sicker.

If you do liquor before beer, you may be drunk, but your pace of drinking slows down because it takes a lot more liquid to get drunk. Hence, people tend to maintain their level of intoxication rather than getting worse and worse.

The point of this is, any combination can be okay, but it all depends on how fast you drink, and shots go down too fast and easy for most people to handle.

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