Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why do I feel really sick after drinking hard liquor?

I'm fine if I put it in gatorade or something or some kind of juice, but when I drink hard liquor straight I always get sick and sometimes vomit after three drinks. Why is this? Is there something wrong? Serious answers please. Thanks!|||Because you're not a big drinker. Use a mixer and avoid shots at all costs!|||I have the developed the same problem.

I can not drink more than a drink and a half of anything or I am sick, sick, sick.

I did some google searches and they led me to Rosacea.

This intolerance did coincide with me developing Rosacea so I think that is the answer.

With Rosacea you have a problem with surface blood vessels and in the stomach it causes problems with absorbtion of the liquor.|||Can't stomach it, so don't drink it. Hard liquor isn't enjoyable anyways.|||alcohol dehydrates you. drink water.|||low tolerance level|||Soft drinker.|||you're a lush.

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