Friday, September 16, 2011

Where can I find discount liquor for buying in bulk in Florida?

I am in the process of planning my wedding and I need 172 bottles of liquor in total, both wines and spirits. Does anyone know of a bulk, wholesale or very discounted liquor store in Florida?|||Without an ABC license you will not be able too. The answer about Sam's club, you can buy larger bottles, but those are mostly top shelf liquor's. If you knew of someone who was a bar owner or had a license, they could get it for you, but you'd be taxed twice and then it would probably equal out to the same price. Wine can be order by the case and champagne can also too. There is no discount, but as long as you carry it unopened in your trunk, it is legal to transport it once. You will also need to buy a permit if you plan on carry it to another place. Ask the owner of the ABC store where to do that some do it on premises. It is not much, I think I paid 15.00 USD for one, it was good for a week, if I remember correctly. On the champagne though get the Andre` it is inexpensive and very good, the pink one, is what I used at my wedding, it was about 3-4.00 a bottle and I got 20 bottles, had over 8 bottles left over. I made Mimosa punch with the open ones, as not to waste any. rather than making individual drinks, why not do punches or fountain's? unless you have a bartender, and then just limit it to bottom shelf with a few top shelf's and whatever the happy couple likes, hide it just for the 2 of you, marked for the Bride and Groom only! Congratulations BTW 2! You should be able to call around to to local small stores, they may give you a local discount (10%) for buying a certain amount to, but again you will need a permit to transport it! Don't forget to ask. Good luck!|||Sams Wholesale Club

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